The musical group, The Byrds had a song adapted from the book of Ecclesiastes: “Turn! Turn! Turn!”……. the message is that there is a Season to everything.

There are changes and cycles in everything in Life!
There is excitement and endless possibilities with new Beginnings! A chance to wipe the slate clean and begin again, taking lessons we have learned and apply them to the new cycle!
When does a new beginning start? It can start right now. There isn’t a time-table to begin shifting perspective on how you want to live your life. The exciting turn is that at any point in your life, you can start a New Beginning!
So how do you know when you are ready for a new beginning? Here are a few thoughts:

To start a new beginning, give gratitude and thanks for the cycle just completed and embrace a new cycle of adventure, exploration as well as new learning’s.
Putting one foot in front of the other or putting your body into drive to head down that road of New Beginnings!
Time for me now to say that support is always here at
Affirmation: New Beginnings Enrich My Life!
Dream, Believe Again and Achieve all that You Desire!