The arrival of the Summer Solstice was yesterday, June 21st. Did the day seem longer to you?
The official first day of summer! Yippee!! It is also the longest day, so today the days begin to get shorter. Don’t fret, there are many more days of summer activities and warmth coming your way.
Summer, for most, is a welcoming time of year. The warmth enables us to stay outside, engage in outdoor activities, have picnics, go to parks, sunbathe, visits to the shore to enjoy all that the ocean has to offer. The warmth of the sun always feels so good. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
The warmth of the day seems to just encourage a good mood, a lighter attitude, a feeling of all things are possible! Our schedules seem to take a lighter load and excitement as the day draws to an end knowing that there is still time to enjoy whatever we want to do. So go out there and have some FUN!
Warmth also is found in kindness, emotion, enthusiasm, affection, approachable or warmth of a room.
Dreaming of warmth? Dreaming of warmth indicates peace and harmony. The feeling of warmth in a dream indicates comfort, happiness and a state of contentment.
Warmth is not only a feeling but also a state of mind, a place of pleasure which can relate to all things being good in life or situations.
So if dreaming of warmth or feeling of warmth this is a good symbolism for “Life is good”
Time for me now to describe creating a warm and safe space just for yourself!

Dream, Believe Again, Achieve all that you desire!