Recently I was exploring an 1863 Mansion and the beautiful grounds of this magnificent estate.
The mansion is now a historical site and the grounds are a park for everyone to enjoy. As I was walking around there were many family reunions taking place as well as individual couples and families enjoying a picnic. The sounds of laughter, food being grilled, games being placed and children running around the area made for a great visit.
The mansion was a nice experience but doesn’t compare to my experience with two wonderful young ladies, ages 11and 13. While reading about farm equipment used back in 1863 I was approached by a young lady. She held out her hand with a leaf and a flower sitting in the middle of the leaf. She asked, would you like to have one of these?
The energy of excitement projected from her whole self and her voice, how could I say no?
So I accepted and thanked her. She ran back over to her friend who was sitting under a big oak tree making more of these beautiful “leaf gifts”. I heard her say, she took it and liked it!
I walked over there, sat on the ground with them and began a conversation. Turns out they were cousins there for a family reunion and they were bored! So they decided to “make something” that they could give away. Turns out they had asked several other people but “they didn’t want them”. Sitting there for a few minutes saw the excitement in choosing the right flower to fit perfectly in the center of the leaf. The creativity, excitement and conversation were a joy to experience. Yes, I made sure to use positive words of encouragement and confidence as these young ladies were so fun, energetic and excited about their creative art class!
So as I was getting up to leave, I thanked them very much for selecting me to receive their gift; it was a beautiful birthday present. They shrieked with laughter and sang Happy Birthday! What a fun experience! If I had not received the offer of their gift, I never would have met these fabulous creative teenagers or started my day with such pleasure and FUN!

Time for me now Inspiration is: the next time someone offers to give something or to give help be open to accepting. Both the Giver and Receiver are rewarded in so many ways!
Dream, Believe Again and achieve all Your heart desires!