Full Moon ~ All the Possibilities!
Friday was the second Full Moon for 2011, with this new cycle a great time to Celebrate!.
The Full Moon is a time for excitement perhaps even celebration!.... Each lunar cycle is a time for renewal. Each cycle of the moon has four smaller cycles lasting approximately seven days.
Example: Full Moon Celebration is exciting for me, as I look forward to all the possibilities from the intentions and seeds planted; more importantly I use this time to give gratitude and appreciation for people in my life and for all the blessings!
The New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and Waning Moon.
Timing of these cycles? Though best scientific practices can approximate the timing of the cycles, the cycles tend to "Flow" from one cycle to another.
Waning Moon is a great time to take a deep breath, breath in life and exhale all that is no longer working for you. Great time to clear out clutter of your life; a time for assessing the past several weeks/months and deciding what is working for you what isn't.
Mediate on your hearts desire, perhaps changes in your life/activities or specific seeds/thoughts that were planted for future growth and development.
Just as a gardener plants seeds for Spring/Summer blooming, the New Moon is a great time to plant seeds for which to expand our lives! The Full Moon is a time of celebration- of the seeds planted and now blooming full of energy and possibilities.
Seeds planted as we flow into the next moon cycle of Waxing Moon, this is where you take your intention (planted seed) and begin to bring to life what you most desire and what is best for you!
The Full Moon is an excellent time to incorporate techniques for your Dreams! During this time my students/clients experience more recollection of dreams. So if you are one that believes you do not remember your dreams this is an excellent time to recall. Suggestion: Keep a notebook and pen on your nightstand!
Upcoming Moon Schedule:
February 19: Waning Moon begins
March 4: New Moon March 12: Waxing Moon March 19: Full Moon March 26: Waning Moon
" I anxiously anticipate recalling my dreams for what messages lie within me"..... CL